“It is…for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
– Abraham Lincoln 1863
Great Democracy Media, Inc. is dedicated to the task Abraham Lincoln set before us in 1863. We produce materials and campaigns that provide a practical path to a sustainable and democratic future. We address foundational weaknesses in our government and society, study them, develop informational materials, inform citizens, encourage dialogue, and promote solutions.
2020 Campaign – Just Money Now!
Our 2020 campaign, Just Money Now! – How We Pay for a Better World, addresses our monetary system. A money system is the foundation of an economy. The money system we have is dysfunctional and our campaign is about making a better choice. Change our money and we can pay for a better world. Find out how @ HowWePay.US.
BOOKS & MATERIALS for the 2020 campaign

How We Pay for a Better World
A short and easy to understand introduction to why Just Money Now is an important and powerful change we can make for a better future. (2019) Read a little illustrated introduction.

US Money: What is it? Why we must change. How we can.
This is an easy to understand explanation of what money is; how we can tell different money systems apart; a detailed presentation of the problems that our current money system makes worse; and, why a sovereign or Just Money system is a better choice. (2018) Read a more detailed explanation and analysis.
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